Friday, April 3, 2009
Blogging again
We decided to turn back. After coming back into port and we reported in to the organizing comittee. It turned out two yachts had sunk that night, one of which was in our club and attempting the same crossing. It got hit by a freighter in the night. Everyone was resqued after a while in the liferaft.
A good decision on our part! We turned to the IJsselmeer and had a fantastic week of sailing to Hindeloopen, Enkhuizen, Stavoren and some other ports. Great fun!!!
I will try to keep blogging this season :-)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Looks like it's going to be a rough crossing
Tomorrow is Koninginnedag, a big festive party in Holland. We are going to sell some old junk and I have arranged to meet at the marina at 16.00 hours. We leave at 17.00 for amsterdam and IJmuiden.
Will keep you posted!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ready to go!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Still lying high and dry
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Updating links
Friday, March 14, 2008
Muiden - Lowestoft - Muiden
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Preparing for Fastnet 2009
The plan is not do sail in Dannick but in my friend Johan's yacht Sundance II which is a C&C designed Baltic 42. We are now mustering a crew and are going to do some preparation races. The main prep race will be the Colin Archer Memorial Race to be sailed in july. This is a 4 day challenge of around 400 NM. We have to sail this as a requirement for the Fastnet. Also Johan is and some other of the fastnet and camr crew will be sailing the Vuurschepenrace and the NorthSea Race in preparation.

To get Sundance ready and fit for these challenges Johan is repairing some old damage including removing the keel. This is an exciting thing to see!
Also he has ordered new sails, an E-PIRB and navigational equipment. All in all it's looking to be a great project! I will probably make a separate blog for this project!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Start of the season in sight
We have registered for the "Hemelvaartstocht" to Lowestoft. This year will be the first time I will officially enter in the organized trip to Lowestoft.
The idea is to take Dannick to IJmuiden where from where we will start on the 30th of April in the evening. We hope to arrive in Lowestoft in the afternoon of the 1st. The trip back will be on the 3rd. This time my uncle Philip and cousin Mark will crew together with my dad Dan. Mark and Philip will come from the UK, sail back to Lowestoft on Dannick and sail back to Muiden and head back to the UK after that. But we will have some fun!
The boat is now lying indoors with her hull in a sinlge coat of wax. I will give her another coat of special UV protective wax before she is launched. Also she needs a good scrubbing of het topsides. Important for our Lowestoft trip is the new radar reflector that is going to be mounted. Apart from a much better visibility the old reflector was collecting moisture so I had it replaced for this smaller but much more effective model.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Made a trip in the tender
Great weater this weekend. I made a trip in the dingy today. Nice little tour of the harbour with the dog. I will need to find a new cover for the dingy when she is on deck. I will have to see a sailmaker to make this.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Information comes from the sensors Windspeed and angle, Depth, Log (speed), GPS, AIS, SeaTemp and feeds via SeaTalk Network and NMEA into a multiplexer. This feeds in to the DSC VHF, into the AutoPilot and Plotter and also into the PC. On the PC at the nav station I will be running various software tools like a simple chartplotter program, instrument repeaters, a tactic tool for speed optimization, weater routing software (GRIB files), internet, this BLOG and more. Also I will be logging my performance data for later analyses to see what works and what doesn't.
It's just for fun because the serious navigation will be done from the Raymarine C70 plotter which has all the information already but this will be a nice and fun addition. Currenly most of the installation has been done. It's now up to testing and refining the various software components. A report will follow!
Winter work...

Another job was with the bed matrass in the owners cabin. To get some more ventilation I found a great solution on the Dusseldorf boatshow. It is a special weave of polyester fleece that lets air pass underneeth the matrass. It is very stiff to a spread load but compresses rather softly to a point load so it makes the bed a bit softer as well. Here are some pictures of what it looks like. I just cut it into shape with a pair of scissors. Looks nice, no?

They are doing lots of work in the harbour this winter. They are dredging the entire area to 3.2m deep at wither level which is great because with my 1.95m I do touch the mud sometimes in my birth. I took the dog out for a look at the dregework and he liked it so much that he leaped from the jetty into the Vecht River about 1.5m below four feet first with an amazing jump. No fear! I managed to drag him back by his neckcolor.
Another strange thing to see was divers and officers from the Dutch Crime Investigation Unit. They were looking on the IJsselmeer and diving in the 30m deep dredgepits for a body that went missing some time ago. Never a dull moment at the harbour!
Monday, January 14, 2008
New Years Drink in Muiden

I will be pursueing my great wish to sail the Fastnet race in 2009. In order to do this we are going to have to make a number of miles racing with part of the fastnet crew. As we are going to be sailing with Johan's ship Sundance (a Baltic 42) we will be sailing the Colin Archer Memorial Race this year from Lauwersoog to Larvik.

On Dannick we are going to do a quick hop to Lowestoft in May and probably take her to Zeeland for a month in June. There we are going to make a few daytrips and a number of holidays on board. Hope we get some nice sunny days.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Clubkampioenschappen 2007

This was our first race together and we wanted to use the gennaker. However the upwind-downwind racecourse made this tough so we flew her of the spinnaker pole. I don't believe this helped our speed of handling much but it was fun trying. It also lead me to become sure that I want a real spinnaker for her which I will use much more than this reachingsail.
In the last race we lost the spinnaker halyard up in the mast and because there was absolutely no wind at all and therefore noting else to do we decided to go aloft to get it. My sister Sam was the chosen volunteer and she went up like a trooper, camera in hand to make some great pictures. Here are the results of her efforts. The results of our efforts in regards to the races I would like to keep to myself.
Friday, December 28, 2007
2007 Liveaboard trials?
Yes it was a bit cramped, especialy when Mariska and Mika were there in the weekends. But I was on board, had wireless internet in the marina so I also had live tv (, I had a restaurant/bar within 100m and I could take her for a sail whenever I wanted to. In the first months I did so regularly but when the house came in to play it got a bit too much.
The room on board was fine, I had hot water and a shower available and I managed to stow allmost all my belonings on board. All in all I had a great three months living aboard and I wouldn't have missed it for the wordt. I don't know if it would have been as much fun without all the shore facilities in Muiden.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sailing to Enkhuizen with Chris and Anita

What an amazing weekend it had been.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Lowestoft 2007

We went through the locks at IJmuiden at dusk and set for sea. The sea was a bit choppy and it took a little bit of getting used to but we settled in quickly. We tracked quite a few targets with our new AIS system. This works really great and I would recomend it to everyone. We hardly used the new radar system because AIS gave us far more detailed information. What helped best was the "Closest point of approach" which means how close are we going to cross (under a mile was a red light for us) and the time to CPA which means how long will it be until we need to take action. Sometimes this was pretty quick as some large cargo vessles sail at an alarming rate.

The town of Lowestoft was a bit of a dissapointment. I hope I don't put anyone reading this down but the ugliest people in the world live there. Unbelievable. We thought the name might be derived from Lowest-of-the-low. But we had a great time in the pub and had a well deserved shower in the yachtclub and a good sleep. We woke at 8pm and checked the weather report. I use the most amazing weather reporting tool called U-Grib (check out the link on the main page of this blog). There were two stormfronts, one circling the northsea near iceland and moving south. The other was near landsend and moving east. Bad news for sailing back home tomorrow. We decided to stay another day in lowestoft so we went to the pub for dinner and drinks. We had a great time in the Lowestoft nightlife and straggled back to our bunks at closing. The next morning, expecting some harsh weater we checkt the weatercharts. To my surprise the northsea front had blown out and the landsend front had stayed near france. This meant there was a nice gap of clear weather between Lowestoft and IJmuiden.

We decided to go for it. We left port and headed for sea. We were immediately sorry. Because of the stormfronts there were very high waves but there was hardly any wind. This meant that there was no means of pinning us in one position and we were lolled back and forth. Last nights beers soon came back to haunt us. The only one stable was Daan who stepped up while Michiel and I were moving from our bunk down below to the rail and back. Not a pretty sight. All in all Daan stood watch for 14 hours before we made it back up on deck.
Through all this rolling and mainly using the engine we were running low on diesel and suddenly the boom came loose from the mastfitting. The rolling had caused the selflocking nut to come undone and we had to go and fix it. Somehow we had very poor AIS reception which we soon found had something to do with us loosing the masthead antenna, also caused by the heavy swaying.
Our final task was trying to sail into IJmuiden because we were so low on fuel we were afraid we wouldn't be able to use the enging trough the locks. We tried to sail for a few hours but there was absolutely no wind at all. It turend out to be the fuelgauge that was the problem because when we enterend IJmuiden Marina and filled her up we could just get around 50 liters back in. There was plenty remaining to get to Muiden and halfway back to Lowestoft if we needed to.
All in all is was a fantastic maiden crossing and we enjoyed allmost every minute of this great adventure. We will certainly do this again next year!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Welcome to the new
So all in all a good thing for everyone!
See you on the water!